Father’s Day is always a very special time for Liz, I, and the whole Edlich family!
We had the opportunity to learn from a medical genius from an early age as our Dad had such an encouraging energy as us sisters on a mission pursued our Radical Skincare vision.
Though no longer with us, our Dad continues to inspire us to create a Radical change in peoples lives.
Here’s a look back at our father’s story of his trails and tribulations as one of the leading plastic surgeons, we hope this inspires you to spend more time with the man who loved you first and reminisce over all the heart warming memories!…
Our Father’s Incredible Story
“You have to most importantly celebrate yourself,” Richard Edlich.
“I realized that you can make a difference. I realized that I need to give this talent to my children.”
“I wanted my children to be my teacher, and if I didn’t have them as my teacher, I wouldn’t be able to achieve my dreams of making the world a better place.”
~ Dr. Richard Edlich
Rachel Edlich asks, “Do you ever take ‘No’ for an answer?”
“I don’t know what ‘No’ means,” Richard Edlich
“How do you spell it?” Richard jokes.
“Keep the fight gong and develop your dreams so they’ll come true!”
Beyond his medical breakthroughs and inventions, he was..

A Father.

A Husband.

A Jokester!

A Visionary.

An Author.
University of Virginia Memoriam
The University of Virginia wrote an inspiring article about Dr. Richard Edlich.
Here is an excerpt from that article:
Today, because of Edlich’s support, the Edlich-Henderson Innovator of the Year Award (previously Inventor of the Year) is given to U.Va. faculty, staff or students whose research discoveries are making a major impact on society.
Edlich founded and directed U.Va.’s Burn and Wound Healing Center, fostering the collaboration of scientists in developing revolutionary advances in emergency medical care as well as burn care.
His projects resulted in several innovative products, including the adhesive skin closure tape now used routinely around the world, and a safe cleanser for decontaminating wounds.
He co-wrote seven books and some 4,000 scientific articles.
“His passion was getting the FDA to banish the cornstarch latex gloves,” Edlich’s son, Richard, said. “He had come very close to completing that dream.”

Cherish your Father this Father’s Day, let them know they are loved!
“We are committed to transforming your skin and transforming your lives! Your Sisters on a mission,”