Any mother who has ever found herself frazzled, frustrated and short on time knows that when they don’t take care of themselves, everyone suffers.
It’s like that old in-flight rule, you have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before you can take care of anyone else.
Here are 5 gentle reasons why women shouldn’t skip self-care.
It’s more than meditation
Taking care of yourself doesn’t always have to look like yoga and meditation. Sometimes, it’s simply a face mask before bed, or making yourself a dentist appointment. Be kind to your body, you only get one.
You’ll create more stress by skipping it
When you don’t make time for yourself, you’ll often find yourself scrambling later on trying to pick up the pieces. Even worse, self-neglect can lead to nagging guilt that weighs on you mentally. Make the time, you’re worth it.
It will help you love your body
It shouldn’t be news to you that your body can do amazing things. Sure, it can birth and feed children – but it can also climb mountains, ride a spin bike, run a 5k – and it feels SO good to do it. Those endorphins are no joke.
It will improve your relationship with your family
When you look good and you feel good, you are happier. And when you are happier, you are kinder to the people around you.
It will spike your confidence
There’s no stopping a woman who is secure in who she is. When you make time to take care of your mind and body, you elevate your self-confidence and this has an effect on your work, home, relationships, EVERYTHING. Maybe it will push you to try something new, maybe it will push you to ask for that raise you deserve. Whatever it is, own the person you are and the person you want to be and GO FOR IT.